Un documentario di EPMIES , per tutti , anche per bambini e ragazzi..sempre...costruttivo...da guardare e da far vedere anche nelle scuole:
IO MANGIO, TU MANGI.......LORO SI AMMALANO, Prodotto da Daniela Colombini "ESPO 2015 Milano". Il film è in Italiano, con scritte in Inglese, ma la maggior parte del film è in immagini.
A documentary by EPMIES, for everyone, also for children and young people ... always ... constructive ... to look at and to show also in schools:
I EAT, YOU EAT ....... THEY HURT. produced by Daniela Colombini "ESPO 2015 Milano". The film is in Italian, written in English, but most of the film is in images.
HERE THE MOVIE "I eat, you eat? they hurt
IL FILM EXPO 21 6 15
C.F. / P.Iva: 97644490159
Tel: 025468181
Via Cadore 2
20135 - Milano - Italia
Epm International Ergonomics School
Epm International Ergonomics School C 2022 - Powered by Logos Engineering
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2015 IEA Fortalesa, ICOH Cancun
PATRICIA ROSSANA BRANCO BRASIL patriciarossafa@raciocinioergonomia.com.br
Annex A. Summary of work done over the years ( 2012-2015 )
Annex C. Guide to the techniques of pre-risk mapping ( key-enters and quick assessment ) for the operational use of the criteria contained in the new Technical Report ISO 12295-2014
Annex D THE SIMPLE TOOL (spreadsheet in Excel, which can be free downloaded from our web site ) for automatic calculation of the level of discomfort and danger of different occupational risk factors and priorities for intervention evaluation and improvement in application of Technical Report ISO 12295-2014
Annex E TC-2012 MSD Member list to be updated by the Chair
Annex F The TC MSD sub-groups, as activated in 2012
Annex G Presentation of EPM IES International Ergonomics School Activites in the period 2012-2015 ( Scientific Association )
HERE THE MOVIE "I eat, you eat? they hurt
IL FILM EXPO 21 6 15
NUOVE NORME ISO TR (Technical Report)